Ian Jeffries Graphic Design

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Wednesday 16 June 2010

Degree Show

Here are some images of my degree show, which is going on at the moment at Staffs University. The show looks great and has some amazing work from the Graphics course. If you got some spare time, come down and have a look, you won't be disappointed.

Show includes the following projects:

Scale - Measurement Is Vital For The Existence Of Scale
Make museums sexy (MPA Roses Brief 2010)
Promote the new 2011 Ikea catalogue (D&AD Awards 2010)
Dereliction - Urban Dereliction Project, Changing Your Viewpoint

All project can be view in more depth on my website, www.ianjeffries.co.uk

Couple of images of my girlfriends show, including project she completed for the Body Shop (D&AD Brief 2010) and a shelf initiated brief called Salvage; based on turning clothes into other items.

Tuesday 1 June 2010


Last week I spent some time with guys from the guardian, working on their information graphics. I had a great week there and was lucky enough to help on a double spread graphic on the BP Oil Disaster. My contribution was drawing up the diagram and the various parts of the process that BP were carrying out to stop the Oil Spill.


Recently completed project based around dereliction, in particularly an old brick manufacturer which had been closed down for a number of years.

I chose the topic of dereliction because I wanted to practice my skills in photography and also being such an unusual building, I didn't want to visually describe the stereotypical message of the building decomposing. Instead I wanted to show how these areas can be seen as something exciting.

To achieve this I decided to produce a brochure style book for Urban Derelict Project, where it would show the viewer many different viewpoints of the same building and advertise the appeal of these types of buildings. The different viewpoints I chose were a Teenager, a Historian, a Developer and finally a Naturalist. I also wanted to communicate the fact that dereliction should not be feared, but instead explored; and for that reason I chose to incorporate mechanisms into the book, which allowed the viewer to interact with the pages.

The headlines for the pages were all screen washed, giving a very rustic effect; like that of a bricks. Brochure bound using inter screws.

Monday 12 April 2010


Recently I have been busy getting together my work for big scary degree show, which is happening in June. But also been building my website to allow me to get out there amongst everyone and all that jazz. So here are some pictures of what its looking like so far.

Monday 29 March 2010


D&AD Brief promoting the new 2011 Ikea catalogue, worked on in collaboration with Aaron Alexander
Concept was to focus on how Ikea can be used to personalise your room:

"Make A Home Your Own"

Inspiration for the idea came from holiday polaroid photos, where some friends were holding up photos in other areas of the world. Derived from this was the idea for people to tear-out pages from the Ikea catalogue, which would enable them to hold up multiple Ikea products and effectively design their room in front of them.
The advert shown below allows people to relate to the idea of holding products up and visualising their room in front of them, while the viral advert, also shown below as photographic storyboard; adds the cheeky nature of Ikea to the campaign.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Technology Ring

Brief set by 'the chase' design company, which was entitled:

"Two Side to the story"

Concept was to use infographics as a means of plotting the history of technologic inventions and how technology has taken over society today. The 'two sides' being the the positive effect of the invention at the time it was invent and the negative effect of it in terms of society today. Its large format was designed so that you can see how full of technology life is today and how simple it once was. The quote that the project is based on was by Ervin Laszlo:

Technology Is A Powerful Instrument, But Essentially An Instrument It Must Only Be

Monday 8 March 2010

Grey Matter Printing

Grey matter is our online store to raise money for our Degree show. It is made up of designs submitted from the students in our year, which are then being printed and sold on T-Shirts and Tote Bags in the online store. Check it out here!


Here are some photos from the first batch of screen printing the t-shirts and bags.

Monday 1 March 2010

Make Museums Sexy

Project complete and submitted for the MPA Roses Student Awards 2010. Collaborative brief worked on with Stuart Talbot, check out his blog at www.stuarttalbotillustration.blogspot.com.

Task to 'Make Museums Sexy'. The concept for the promotion of museums was to use the five senses of the body, 'Stimulate Your Senses'; in order to make museums appealing to the public. Focusing on less well-known museums in the UK, each artifact from a chosen museum represents one of the senses. The artifacts have been photograph in order to attract the viewer to the campaign and are accompanied by seductive typography to indicated why people should visit a museum.

Discover Your 6th Senses, By Visiting A Museum Today

Sunday 28 February 2010

Scale Poster

Here is the final piece for the Scale project I started last year.

"Measurement Is Vital For The Existence Of Scale"

The organs that I posted before have been placed into the human body and the diagram has been filled in around them. The final print is A0, however I have only been able to add a small image of it below. It would have looked wicked larger though. The body is displayed in the vernacular of an Architectural drawing, complete with Key, Scales & Information Bar. The organs have not really changed that much since i last posted them, however there are some closer images of the drawing too, which makes it easier to see the level of detail. Enjoy!!!

Saturday 30 January 2010


Further to the first production of my Self Promotion Blueprint. Here are some still-life photographs of the Blue Objects I made that appear in the blueprint. I find them really interesting to look at and hard to believe what the objects actually are. You find yourself doubting whether they are real or not.