Ian Jeffries Graphic Design

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Wednesday 16 June 2010

Degree Show

Here are some images of my degree show, which is going on at the moment at Staffs University. The show looks great and has some amazing work from the Graphics course. If you got some spare time, come down and have a look, you won't be disappointed.

Show includes the following projects:

Scale - Measurement Is Vital For The Existence Of Scale
Make museums sexy (MPA Roses Brief 2010)
Promote the new 2011 Ikea catalogue (D&AD Awards 2010)
Dereliction - Urban Dereliction Project, Changing Your Viewpoint

All project can be view in more depth on my website, www.ianjeffries.co.uk

Couple of images of my girlfriends show, including project she completed for the Body Shop (D&AD Brief 2010) and a shelf initiated brief called Salvage; based on turning clothes into other items.

Tuesday 1 June 2010


Last week I spent some time with guys from the guardian, working on their information graphics. I had a great week there and was lucky enough to help on a double spread graphic on the BP Oil Disaster. My contribution was drawing up the diagram and the various parts of the process that BP were carrying out to stop the Oil Spill.


Recently completed project based around dereliction, in particularly an old brick manufacturer which had been closed down for a number of years.

I chose the topic of dereliction because I wanted to practice my skills in photography and also being such an unusual building, I didn't want to visually describe the stereotypical message of the building decomposing. Instead I wanted to show how these areas can be seen as something exciting.

To achieve this I decided to produce a brochure style book for Urban Derelict Project, where it would show the viewer many different viewpoints of the same building and advertise the appeal of these types of buildings. The different viewpoints I chose were a Teenager, a Historian, a Developer and finally a Naturalist. I also wanted to communicate the fact that dereliction should not be feared, but instead explored; and for that reason I chose to incorporate mechanisms into the book, which allowed the viewer to interact with the pages.

The headlines for the pages were all screen washed, giving a very rustic effect; like that of a bricks. Brochure bound using inter screws.